Pato and Dagmar [+ Rocío & Estela]

Monday, August 13, 2007


  • We praise God for the recent positive developments in the evening church plant (San Pedro PM). This is just God’s grace because the gathering is growing in spite of the worst winter in the last 60 years which (most of our people do not own a car).
  • Please pray for this Saturday’s first meeting of the San Pedro PM core team. Pray that we may trust in God, not in our strategies and hard work
  • Please pray for Danilo Hueche a young second year CEP (Centre for Pastoral Studies, our Anglican Bible college) student who is fighting a very aggressive cancer. We praise God for Danilo’s continuous trust in Him and the great example he is giving to all of us.
  • Please pray for Marcelo and Lissette. He is a Christian who comes to church regularly, but she has never been willing to come. We had them over for lunch and she enjoyed it. Please pray she may come to know Jesus.
  • Praise God for the group of about 25 people who studied the Bible (in three different groups, PTC courses) with Pato last semester. Pray they may live out what they have learnt.

Thank you so much for praying for us!!!!!!!!!

Dagmar & Pato