Sorry about the silence
I guess some of you have begun to show withdrawal symptoms after a month without receiving our “weekly” prayer points. Life has been pretty full on this last month travelling all around the place (see how comfortable Estella looks in her red suitcase). We've been enjoying of the hospitality of many friends as part of the long and sad 'good bye' period. Please pray that back in Chile we may be able to keep in touch on "weekly" bases.
Las niñas (the girls)
Rocío keeps developing; she is very talkative and cute. She suffered of a nasty gastro for 4 weeks and she lost 2 kg so she got really skinny. Praise God she has been putting on weight regularly since then. Now she weights almost 11 kg, which was her weight two months ago. Estela keeps growing, getting more teeth, seating up by herself and trying to walk. She is such a smiley little thing!
We praise God that last Sunday we had a thanksgiving service for Rocío and Estela. It was a fine way of expressing our gratitude to God for these precious gifts and our public commitment to raise them in the love and fear of the Lord. We are so blessed with good friends that have accepted to be the girls’ godparents! They are great examples of godliness and they are fully committed to keep praying for the girls.
CMS and the Blue “Mountains”
We had a feast up there (well, it is not that high for Chileans, but we have to respect the locals and call those beautiful hills, mountains!). The first days were at the CMS missionaries’ conference. It was a feast of fellowship and having the privilege of sharing with people who are serving God all around the world. It is so exciting to see how God’s Spirit is making the Son known among the nations … but there is still plenty of opportunities out there waiting for more people to go!
The second week was, as one of the Moore College lecturers said, “Sydney at its best”. We were clearly encouraged, rebuked and taught by the Bible talks. We enjoyed of many missionary sessions where everyone could be encourage by the missionaries sharing their lives on the field. We praise God for the many people who approached us to say “you do not know me, but I’ve praying for you all these years.” We are so privilege to see God’s love and care through his people! It was a personal highlight t see the Charleses and Swans (CMS missios in Chile) reporting back after their first term in Chile. How did thy go? … they love Chile, of course!
Visiting Adelaide
This coming weekend, we will be sharing at the CMS Summer Conference in Adelaide. Please pray that we may be of encouragement to the brethren over there and that we may say good-bye properly, with a heart full of thankfulness to God. Pato will be giving 3 Bible talks, two mission talks and preaching twice on Sunday. Please pray that the Holy Spirit may guide Pato to do all this properly and for God’s glory.