Dear amigos,
- We praise God for Rocío, yesterday she is turning two years old! We had a great party on Saturday. Please pray that she may honor and serve our Heavenly Father every single day of her life.
- Dagmar and Estela's visit to Tresillian (a specialized breast feeding/baby sleeping helping centre) went really well. It was very reaffirming of what we've been doing and we got a couple of good hints. We praise God that Estela had her first whole night of sleep on 1st November! We also praise the Father because she turned six months old.
- Five years studying at Moore Theological College! … What a blessing! Pato have had his last last MA intensive, i.e. his last lecturers at Moore College!!! Praise the Lord for His generosity through CMS’ and Moore College supporters.Please pray for the essays Pato has due for this coming Friday (3 essays of 4.000 words each).
Please pray for the Centro de Estudios Pastorales' Information Night (13th November). All the ministers and parish council members of the churches in Santiago have been invited to assist and to consider the vital role of the Bible College for the life of the Anglican Church of Chile.
Pato, Dagmar, Rocio and Estela
wow! Rocío ya tiene 2 años! ayer nos acordamos en un grupo en casa y estuvimos dando gracias por ella, y por otros cumpleañeros más que hay por aca.
By Todo es culpa de la Minifalda S.A., at Tuesday, 07 November, 2006
que rico ver como Rocío y Estela crecen, es como mi Amarito, jejeje, soy una tía babosa, lo se.
me acorder de ustedes justo este jueves, ya que estaba estudiando en la biblioteca de la u de valparaiso, y en un momento de ocio vi alguno catalogos, con lo que me encontre con una foto de Dagmar, es del 2000, quizas te acuerdes de eso.
en fin, espero que Dios los bendiga muchisimo, en el poco tiempo que les este quedando en Australia, y sean acogidos en su vuelta a Chile.
nos veremos, saludos a todos.
By .palabras.vomitivas.del.ayer.i.hoi., at Saturday, 11 November, 2006
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